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Our Mission

First….What exactly is a mission statement?

A mission statement is defined as an action-based statement that declares the purpose of an organization and how they serve their customers. This sometimes includes a description of the company, what it does, and its objectives. 

A mission statement provides perfect clarity behind the “what,” the “who,” and the “why,” of your company. The best mission statements are guidelines by which a company operates. Everything you do as a company should work toward your mission statement.


So, this is ours:


We are a small friendly family firm and our desire is to serve business customers who also adopt our friendly approach. Our focus is to generate genuine B2B leads for a selective small group of customers and segments and we achieve this through our expertise and experience in digital marketing within the resources we have. We support people with a disability and as such grow steadily by working with and employing so-called disadvantaged people who are in our view among the most able people we have worked with. We realise we must be profitable and make money, but this is not our all-consuming focus. Lifestyle is important to us as a family and for our customers too.


We encourage supporting the Asperger’s Foundation:


A Family Firm

Our Story - so far

We started our business in 2015, building on our family being in various businesses since 1994. Our family members are experienced and qualified in a number of areas, including:

  • Master of Science in ICT Strategic Leadership (dissertation in social media for start-ups)

  • Technology for the Education Sector

  • Prince 2 qualified

  • Project Management

  • Experienced Business Advisers to include SFEDI qualified in Enterprise 

  • Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Studies (dissertation in Venture Capital and the UK Equity Gap) 

  • Industrial Engineering/Productivity improvement - experienced and qualified

  • Corporate Finance 

  • Mergers & Acquisitions (see our other brand

  • Accountancy

  • Business Turnaround

  • Marketing – formerly Qualified with the Chartered Institute of Marketing

  • Digital Marketing

  • Environmental Sector (see our other brand: 

  • Graphic Design


So, as siblings we are “standing on the shoulders of our parents” for sure.  Always learning from their successes, failures and philosophies in life and in business. Clearly we are busy people, therefore, we try hard to be very selective with who we deal with to ensure a win-win occurs for all parties.







Julie - Award_edited.jpg
Julie - Award_edited.jpg
Business Mentor Award 2015

Meet The Team

Meet The Team





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